onsdag den 29. august 2012

Det Radikale Venstre, Danmarks svar på islam

- Radikal Ungdom går ind for at tillade bigami. Mennesker skal have lov til at indgå i de familieformer, de ønsker. Om det så er ægteskab mellem mand og kvinde, to mænd eller måske en kvinde og to mænd. Mangfoldige familiemønstre er ønskværdige, siger hun.

En myretue eller et bistade er højere udviklet end et samfund bestående af Det Radikale Venstre.
Hvis de Radikale får alle deres syge ideer igennem falder samfundet fra hinanden.
De var i front for at indføre homovielser, nu kommer forslag om bigami, det næste bliver vel barnebrude
og lovliggørelse af pædofili, det må også høre ind under "mangfoldige familiemønstre".

Nedbrydning af Danmark og indførelse af islams normer og familiemønstre er det, der gør de Radikale
til et dødsensfarligt parti. 

torsdag den 23. august 2012

Ryan Ra Ranunkel Olesen, også kendt udenfor Danmarks grænser

Ra Ranunkel indrømmede for flere år siden at hans(den yderste venstrefløjs) projekt i Vollsmose
er gået ad helvede til.
Nu ligger han hylende under den lavine han selv satte i bevægelse.
Begivenhederne i Vollsmose bliver også bemærket og kommenteret uden for Danmarks grænser,
som vedlagte link er et godt eksempel på 

Originally Posted by velvet View Post
You got that wrong, Godwinson. Ra Ranunkel (the guy in the video) is the chairman of the cooperation council and a Vollsmose (suburb of Odense) politician from Enhedslisten (unity list). It's HE who doesnt want to say that there are ongoing onslaughts against Danes in Vollsmose, which is around 80 percent immigrants, and the schools are almost 100 percent immigrant students.

In an interview with IslamInEurope he said:
"I always said that I'm proud to live in Vollsmose. I'm starting to get tired of it now. More and more of my neighbors come and say they're being attacked and robbed of their money. Or that their car was burned down. And all ask: 'Ra, can't you do anything?'. I have to admit, I feel powerless."

Ra Ranunkel says that there's a hardcore gang of Somalis who commit attacks that are deliberately directed at Danes. And it's primarily the Palestinians who burn the Danes' cars and control Bøgetorvet.

He thinks that the attacks are directed at Danes as a response to 'the Danish group of DPP-ers and racists' that in the past 5-6 years have been loudly voicing their views.

"You noticed that something was brewing, and now the Somalis and Palestinians are striking again."

An ethnic conflict, a racial conflict, is breaking out, and it's scary, says Ra Ranunkel, who before today's conference on Vollsmose's problems also sharply criticizes the Odense municipality's preventing efforts against youth gang-crime, which he calls 'totally ridiculous'. Fire them all and start from the beginning, he says.

Note that he blames Danes for the racial conflict, as always the evil DPP is behind this, and that all other people in the municipality should be fired because they are unable to make the multikult work.

Enhedslisten is a party that came about from people for whom the Radikal Venstre (Radical Left) wasnt communist and leftist enough.

Interesting article from Wiki:
The Vollsmose terrorists are nine people arrested on charges of terrorism by the Danish police in the Vollsmose neighborhood of Odense on September 5th, 2006. According to Danish police, the group had been under investigation for quite a while.

Lene Espersen, the Danish Minister of Justice, called the plot "the most severe ever in Denmark" and said the group were planning one or more terrorist attacks against targets in Denmark. Prosecutors later revealed that the attacks were meant against "a place where political decisions are made" such as the Folketing, the Danish parliament.


Ra Ranunkel on his Facebook (09.Okt 2010) as a reaction to the video above:

while we stood there and made the filming, 3 young men started to shout at me - piss off glassessnake, stupid Dane, pig and so forth - short after that they started to throw stones and other things after us until we eventually had to pack up and stop the interview.
They slipped into their car and I went to the city center - short after I stood by the bank automat and they appeared again and continued to shout at me and came with threats about what they're going to do with me - in the following 30 minutes they followed me and placed themselves in the exit, (I) called the police who came and helped me to get home - jaja dear guy from the integration council, there is no doubt where they came from.

In over 20 years have I fought for the Palestinensian's interests, now I'm really angry and are going tired.

{snip the romantic blah blah}

In the last 3-4 weeks there is a part of them coming and saying to me that I should do something about this. But I do what I can, I cannot do more - and hope that there are others who will stand up and say stop!
- discrimination, racism, diminishing of free speech and threats shouldnt be part of our everyday lives and we all should have a good talk with our kids
- a community only exists if we all together to something against our common problems

They can kill me, but the hope for a world in piece they cannot kill.

I admit - for the first time I fear - really fear a lot and I wonder where all those whom I supported in the fight against discrimination are now!

Seems there's slowly crashing the fantasy world of a happy multikult rainbow nation utopia.....

Isn't it amazing how quickly the "oppressed" become the "oppressors"?

I can remember when the police in Western Europe didn't even need to carry

tirsdag den 7. august 2012

De røde smadrer en lovlig virksomhed

Helle Thorning kan stoppe sine flotte ord om vækst og nye arbejdspladser skråt op.
Det er mere og mere tydeligt at 3F og dermed den røde regering vil have fjernet Amin Skov som selvstændig erhvervsdrivende, hvis han ikke underkaster sig de rødes diktatur.

JP skriver :

Beskæftigelsesminister Mette Frederiksen (S) ønsker ikke at kommentere sagen.
»Ministeren vil ikke kommentere en igangværende faglig konflikt,« lyder det fra Mette Frederiksens pressechef.

Hun vil altså ikke kommentere, at Amin Skov forhindres i at bruge den statsdrevne jobportal
Det betyder jo at staten og regeringen indirekte blander sig i konflikten til fordel for 3F
Jeg har stærkt på fornemmelsen, at regeringen har beordret jobnet.dk til at blackliste Amin Skov

Regeringen er igang med at genindføre fagforeningstvang, så alle slaverne betaler til den røde fælleskasse,
hvorfra pamperne henter deres fede løn.

Poul Erik Skov Christensens gnaveben :


Formand for Forbundets daglig ledelse, hovedbestyrelse og repræsentantskab samt en række interne udvalg i 3F.
Medlem af LOs daglige ledelse og hovedbestyrelse samt en række LO-udvalg.
Formand for Arbejdernes Landsbank, AL-Finans A/S.
Næstformand for bestyrelsen for A/S A-Pressen.
Medlem af bestyrelsen for ATP, Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond og Dansk Folke-Ferie - herunder DFF-Fonden og DFF, Melieha Holiday Centre - samt Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråds forretningsudvalg.
Formand for Pension Danmark.
Medlem af Det Miljøøkonomiske Råd.

Der går masser af arbejdsløse, hvis Amin Skov har brug for nogen af dem, og de har lyst til at arbejde i hans firma, skal jobnet og 3F ikke forhindre dem i det.
Amin Skov kører sit firma på fuld lovlig vis, men er det lovligt når kommunen nægter at hente affald fra virksomheden ? 
og er det lovligt når Post Danmark ikke leverer post til virksomheden ?